At Liberty Youth Ranch, we make every dollar count for our kids. Every donation gives our children a home, a family and a chance to chase their dreams. We currently allocate 77% of our funds directly to our mission, far exceeding the 65% standard set forth under national ethics guidelines for nonprofit organizations. We’re proud to say 100% of your donation goes to putting smiles on our children’s faces.

We make financial stewardship a top priority.
Independent Oversight
Our financial records are audited by a national independent public accounting and professional services firm.
Zero-Based Budgeting
Every year we begin our budgeting process from scratch and evaluate every expense.
Balanced Budgets
Every year since our establishment, we have had a balanced operating budget.
No Federal or State Funding
We are privately funded and rely on the generosity of good people who believe in our mission.
Debt Free
Since day one, our program has operated debt-free. Even as we expand, we begin each phase only when all funding is secure. Our debt-free approach is simple: we’d never risk losing our children’s homes. They’re relying on us for their future, and you’re trusting us to be good stewards of your generosity.
Board of Directors
Financial stewardship of the resources that Liberty Youth Ranch has been blessed with is a top priority for the Board of Directors. Thanks to the support and generosity of hundreds of compassionate individuals, churches, civic organizations, foundations and businesses, the Ranch has maintained a balanced budget every year.

Richard W. Pringle, Esq.
Managing Partner
Strayhorn and Strayhorn Law Firm
Vice Chairman
Charles V. Chaffee
Chief Executive Officer
BRC Rubber & Plastics
Angela J. Dimmitt, CPA
Chief Financial Officer
Liberty Youth Ranch, Inc.
Otis O. Wragg, III
Wragg & Casas Public Relations
Alan C. Dimmitt, MPA
Founder, President/
Chief Executive Officer
Liberty Youth Ranch, Inc.
Raymond Rodrigues, MPA
Dir. of Community Relations, FGCU
The FL House of Rep, District 76,
Chair, Health & Human Services